Here is a letter I wrote to the CBC back in early May regarding their one sided subjective scaremongering that they have the presumption to call news. Needless to say they never got in touch with me in regards to appearing on their broadcast. An organization that was truly broadcasting an objective truth based opinion should have relished at the chance to intellectually destroy what they would brand as a conspiracy theorist. But I guess it would have let the public in on there possibly being hidden agendas outside of the official narrative.
The Letter
Hi Stephen,
Or perhaps Tokyo Rose is a more fitting moniker for identification and general description of your conduct to shamelessly and unnecessarily whip into a panic and frenzy the malleable minds of a great number of the population who are vulnerable to the societal engineering that the mass media and government misconduct falsely portrays upon the populace in order to fill their own agenda.
Of course it is necessary to address your puppet master overlords of the Canadian Brainwashing Corporation from around their round table of egregious power. So here it goes.
It is absolutely necessary to write this letter after listening to your coverage of the Covid-19 mole hill that you along with mainstream media turned into an above ground mountain greater in elevation than that of Mount Everest. The statistics of this Covid-19 debacle do not justify in any way the misery governments have incurred upon the population. Never once on your program have I heard the idea of possible hidden agendas being carried out.
I listened to the CBC’s pathetic coverage(believe me it was excruciating most of the time) for close to an hour and a half every day on my way to and from work. I am one of those who did not lose my job thanks to this government/media depression that you played a major part in producing that will affect millions negatively for years to come.
Let’s get the fact straight. Covid-19 did not shut the economy down, which negatively affected a great proportion of the population. It was indeed the government who unnecessarily ruined the livelihoods of millions of hard working individuals along with ruining thousands of entrepreneurial small businesses which are the backbone of the Canadian economy.
This authoritarian lockdown was due to the overactive scaremongering dished out incessantly to the population by the media hour after hour day after day. The World Health Organization is also at the top of the list of bad actors that are responsible for these most unnecessary acts of mismanagement that most governments enacted. The media so scared the populace with misinformation and disinformation, which forced the government to seriously overreact, following the lead of the extremely authoritative Chinese government who came up with this whole nightmarish lockdown scenario. Do you think it was a good idea to bring authoritarian acts of power to supposed western democracies?
Incase you were not aware, the World Health Organization takes money(bribes) from governments as well as from corporations. Some of these corporations that indeed gave money to the WHO are in fact pharmaceutical companies which are now in the midst of attempting to create a vaccine for Covid-19. Now many governments are saying things will not return to normal until the whole population is vaccinated, when, at best, the flu vaccine is 60% effective when they are able to predict the correct strain for said year.There seems to be an extreme conflict of interest here and a serious independent investigation needs to take place. Need I remind you that the merger of state and corporate powers joining together and dictating authoritatively to the population is in fact one of the tenets of a fascist regime.
There are hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Canadians who would agree with a great number of principles I have put forth above and to the fact that media coverage and government action are way overblown and in my opinion are bordering on criminal acts, especially the media coverage.
Many of us are aware of the overbearing hype and extreme mismanagement that was unleashed upon society by the shameful actions of those who control the mass substrates of information that a lot of society forms their opinions on. So the question is are you willing to allow any of the ideas put forth in this letter out on the airwaves and allow ideas outside of the parameters our captors deem as to be full discussion of a topic? If the same thing is repeated again and again endlessly most of the population have no choice but to believe it as true.
I would be willing to give yourself and the rest of the Tokyo Roses’ at CBC’s disposal the time to come up with an agenda to discredit any and all I have said in this letter if you have the decency to allow a contrarian voice to penetrate the usual propaganda that is transmitted from your transmitter.
A bit about me. I am 39 years old, a carpenter and barely graduated from high school. There is no higher education in my life other than that of possibly being able to think for myself. Surely an educated, enlightened, smug and pretentious gaggling family of intellectuals such as yourselves could lay to waste, censure and lambaste a boorish, uneducated troglodyte such as myself. Think of the ratings!
Hope to hear from you.