The coherent ramblings of overactive minds.
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Playing In The Street
And the crowd went wild!!! In a non gazillion gallons of baby oil stockpiled zombie apocalypse readied P-Diddy Freak-Off catastrophe of hermetically harpooned hedonistic homogenous Hollywood...
Choking Synesthetic Vomit Accompanying Ongoing Privacy Rape Du Jour and the Reflexive Constipation
Who is one to say unless they have tasted it daily upon annum? A veritable smorgasbord buffet of deceit, open err, sleaze-guard vacated. Force-fed thievery that slow roasted mutton, across the way,...
On A Workly Basis
Fourword Out, out and away? Multifaceted Greasy Foreshadowing What an absolute piece of shit. Uncontained, running amok societally traversing, blindly a walking pace of disgrace that trodding....
Greasy Spooning À La Mode
....., and that's how you usher in world peace, kinship among humanity regardless of race, religion, gender, pathetic political phenotype, divisional desertification, and all of the other idealistic...
A Coked-Up Christmas
No surprise, coal demand for 2024 reached record levels; though with what seems to be a propaganda piece, Tass News Agency declares, "Global coal demand, mainly in the energy area, reached a new...
VIRGIN MILF. Hmm, now there is an immediate concept for philosophical ponderance. On second thoughts, could be that miraculous conception? Mmm-Mmm, Mary, Mary, Mary! Although, come to theoretically...
Alpha-Bets the Gamma-Sutra
Well, it sure seems that Yours Offended By The Alphabet Producer Truly sure hasn't won any friends as of late. But you know what Yours Offended By The Alphabet Producer Truly says about friends...
Blackballed to Taste
What a travesty. The insoluble dissolution, incontrovertible disgust, derogatorily immiscible irascibly stirring hideous concoction delivered ineloquently. Barnyard sensibility liquefaction...
Surgery With a Sledgehammer
Intersectional Dislocation Inundatory Obliteration Scarified Yesteryear Netherworld Continuity Regenerative Anomalies Stereoscopic Yardstick
Nonetheless Somethemore for Allthenone
Thought it necessary to give a shoutout to my besties. Those good old Rope, Beam, Rickety Stool, and sweet, endearing Gravity - oh, how Yours Crushed Hyoid Truly can rely greatly on them when times...

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