by EndPoliticians | Feb 8, 2024 | Blog, Politics, Scum of the Earth, Shock Gobbles, Slop Trough, Writing
Charles’ Dickins Cider – A Tale of Two Shitty’s It was the breast of times, it was the wurst of times, it was the age of triple speak, it was the age of “Fact Check,” it was the epoch of confusion, it was the epoch of three legged women,...
by EndPoliticians | Feb 1, 2024 | Blog, MONEY, Politics, Scum of the Earth, Shock Gobbles, Skulking In the Shadows, Slop Trough, Truth Be Told, Writing
Dripping Whet Our supposed universe. A massive vacuous expanse of orbital amazement harbouring countless obervational discoveries yet to be made, while freely showcasing known matters in need of further exploration leading to advancing consequential revision of an...
by EndPoliticians | Jan 24, 2024 | Blog, Politics, Skulking In the Shadows, Slop Trough, Writing
A Prentice Ship Talking loud and ultimately saying nothing, of any importance anyways. Drib-drab à la mode. A regular wing-ding ding-a-ling extravaganza. Flappy-do. Paid for, but in no discernible way ordered by those societal takeaways left holding the overly spoiled...
by EndPoliticians | Jan 18, 2024 | Blog, Politics, Scum of the Earth, Slop Trough, Writing
Outie for the Innie? But two sides of the same spent coin. Just a couple blank casts of a compositionally misformed, headily tamped, slag laden, error riddled mould engraved in zero proof, backward dimensional anomalies; only to be reversely struck of a shameless die...
by EndPoliticians | Jan 11, 2024 | Blog, Life, MONEY, Philosophy, Stupidity Incarnate, The Human Condition, Truth Be Told, What Happened?, Writing
Time to start in the middle of it, figuratively speaking anyways, though a literal translation might be just that of the end death bed, intravenously fed, alveoli drowned gasping gurgled sputter bringing the doped up, falsely weighted down doom necessitating right of...
by EndPoliticians | Jan 4, 2024 | Blog, Politics, Scum of the Earth, Stupidity Incarnate, Writing
Orbital Bone to Pick Well, another one bites the space dust in heavenly viewed high resolution photogenic encirclement of projecting terrestrial blazed movement feeding revolutionary galactic encompassment settled in evolutionary determined timed increments so...