by EndPoliticians | Aug 4, 2022 | Blog, Covid-19, Politics, Writing
Ten Foot Poll A day, and a few hours late, not to bring up a buck short, well, more than a few bucks short for sure, as to when I started this very journey entry. But heck that is what volunteerism is all about. The schedule cannot always be the same, right?...
by EndPoliticians | Jul 28, 2022 | Blog, Politics, Writing, WTF?
Political Low Hanging Brutes Stump Society Signs, signs, everywhere are signs, blocking out decency, warping peoples minds, fools do this, don’t do that, can’t you read the signs? Signs of the times. The decline of Western civilization swirls around...
by EndPoliticians | Jul 21, 2022 | Blog, Covid-19, Politics, Propaganda, Writing
Soon to Be In Spectre of Hell Well, I’d like to say that “they” are at it again, but in an all too blatant reality, “they” have never stopped with the premeditated murder of freedom, liberty, decency, common sense, or any other self...
by EndPoliticians | Jul 14, 2022 | Blog, Politics, Propaganda, The Human Condition, Writing
X – Y – ZZZZZZZZ This is not a blog post. Neither is it a written article teeming with reactions from neuronal synaptic inputs disgracing the conglomerated semi-coagulated-like substrate uncomfortably nestled between my ears, topping my spinal chord, below...
by EndPoliticians | Jul 7, 2022 | Blog, Humor, Ramblings, Writing, WTF?
Mined My Mind For Pi-Right? The interior designer could not attribute the shabby chic style to an unkempt Arab. As algae and fungus harden together is it lichen to a rock? The dyslexic chef did not curry favor as her chile reception was a miss red event in the making....
by EndPoliticians | Jun 30, 2022 | Blog, Covid-19, Politics, Propaganda, Writing
Fourword Not just Canada, worldwide! Into the Void of a Nothingness The time has come again. Scratch that. The time has never left, when Canada’s “leader,” the treasonous globalist puppet Just-him Truedope should be mocked, denigrated, lambasted,...