We’re Number 127?

What is high and mighty and always deemed by most to be better than those of others? Peoples respective countries of course! Indeed a conundrum of which the causality most definitely needs delving into. What could be some causes and effects, positive and negative, on...

Everybody Loves a Danish

When it comes to Western “democracies” the only choice that is given to the populace is that of choosing a “representative” who supposedly has “your” interest at heart. Unfortunately and underhandedly almost all federal candidates...

Jenna Talia

Many years ago I read an article that dealt with the topic of why the penis’ on Greek statues of antiquity were so small, a statue trait that was adopted by the chiselers of the subsequent Roman Empire, as well as by the masters of the mid 2nd millennium...

The Operator Rang the Wrong Alphabet

For some of the younger readers, if I even have a readership, there was once a time before cell phones and email. All phones were landlines and there was no such thing as caller ID so it was impossible to know who was calling unless you picked the phone up to hear....


Gold For whatever the reasons many thousands of years ago, be it originally the colour, the notice of extreme rarity of occurrence in the environment and probably its pliability compared to other solid objects that were tangible in nature and strewn about the lands...

Something to Think About

The government and mainstream media terror and misinformation campaign regarding covid 19 continues, still infecting the minds of the masses, constantly submitting them into a state of fear, panic and overwhelming indoctrination that has brought the herd to an...