by EndPoliticians | Nov 7, 2024 | Blog, Life, Nature, Writing
Crudely speaking, such elegance and poise. One for the ages, now burnt in synaptic encompassing neuronal pathway splendour. A mystery of the universe solved in one fell whoosh, magnificent yet horrifying in such a stationary movement. That taking of one had me taking...
by EndPoliticians | Nov 6, 2024 | Blog, Nature, Poems, Writing, WTF?
The vicinity of their virginity had an affinity for divinity well beyond infinity. So went the Holey Trinity.
by EndPoliticians | Sep 11, 2024 | Blog, Nature, Science, Shock Gobbles, The Human Condition, Writing, WTF?
Nymph o’ maniacs indeed. Forget the ugly stepsisters, how’s about a case of terminal verbal diarrhea personified of the spewing siren suffocative synopsis. So it goes, south. Always south, south in a hurry. Dribbling from whence it came. Roots, sickly...
by EndPoliticians | Dec 21, 2023 | Blog, Nature, Skulking In the Shadows, Writing, WTF?
Being > A Politician Those little wriggly bastards, and bitches too – to equitably spread the disdain for such piddly minded shadow skulkers leaving a trail of destruction in their wake as they consume the fruits of lowly labour sellers such as myself. Most...
by EndPoliticians | Aug 31, 2023 | Blog, Nature, Politics, Writing
Fossilized Remains Continental divide. Another school time learning experience that stuck with me all these years for some reason. Not even past years of wasted (?) and now firmly exhaled pot smoking could finagle that natural cycle concept from my holey cerebral...