by EndPoliticians | Oct 24, 2024 | Blog, Graft, Hidden In Plain Sight, MONEY, Philosophy, Politics, Propaganda, Pulpify, Scum of the Earth, Slop Trough, The Human Condition, Throne Trolls, Truth Be Told, Writing
What an embarrassment! Yeah, you know what I’m talking about. Well, surely some of you do, once that point has been reached, reached out to touch you that is. As for those who don’t know, trust me, you are more than likely going to find out, and when you...
by EndPoliticians | Jun 20, 2024 | Blog, Graft, MONEY, Politics, Propaganda, Pulpify, Scum of the Earth, Throne Trolls, Writing
Fourword Off with his head! Damnatio Memoriae Dead man walking. Well, walking when not in his daily regimen drunken stupor not so spectacular after the face-spending public soured limelight fades into his first of many to come stiff gin & baby blood...
by EndPoliticians | Mar 28, 2024 | Blog, Eye of Sauron, Lies, Politics, Propaganda, Pulpify, Scum of the Earth, Shock Gobbles, Slop Trough, Stupidity Incarnate, Throne Trolls, Writing
A Leading Detached Introspection – Fuselage Tally Talk about a volunteering force, elastically the mission remains undrafted, as in not drawn up officially. Engaged within special ops, there is no way in hell that I would go commando in my natural location. A...
by EndPoliticians | Mar 21, 2024 | Blog, Lies, Politics, Propaganda, Pulpify, Stupidity Incarnate, The Human Condition, Writing
Fascist Co. Inc. a’ Dinks? One hundred million and counting, backwards, into looking evermore forward to the front lying casualty stretchers baring the wait of the spinning whirled to be carried forth longingly via a treacherous routing into coaled storage...
by EndPoliticians | Mar 14, 2024 | Blog, Hidden In Plain Sight, Politics, Propaganda, Scum of the Earth, Shock Gobbles, Stupidity Incarnate, The Human Condition, Throne Trolls, Truth Be Told, Writing
Dumb Thee Down – Up the Hatch So easily spewed, yet so hard to swallow. Ah, needing to vomit in one’s own mouth upon non-retentive offerings. Podia wise, the breakfast of champions. For those to have crossed any sort of finished line anyways. Consumptive...
by EndPoliticians | Feb 29, 2024 | Blog, Eye of Sauron, Graft, Lies, Propaganda, Scum of the Earth, Skulking In the Shadows, Slop Trough, Throne Trolls, Writing
Fourword Do hugs, not drugs. Key-Low Packaging Shaking the hornets nest. Forget about those Angry Birds, this is a bug-eyed freak agitation combing the inner workings of mind-sterilized drones flitting all about, altogether amongst, agency affined, asininely afoul,...
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