What does the future hold?
I will make the debatable statement that nothing on our observable planet plays a more decisive role in the decisions we make in life more than money does.
From where we live, what we choose to eat and drink, our mode of transportation, the fabrics we cover ourselves with, destination of travel, choice of employment etc. Money is the determining factor for the root of our decisions. It is even the benchmark to the level of free will we are able to achieve in our time of existence.
Here you will find articles to do with money, whether philosophically, literally, figuratively, morally or any other “ly” that you or I can think of so we can expand on such ideas.
It is time to act before governments enact the all digital monetary system which will bring forth a 100% captive control environment where any form of privacy, freedom and liberty cease to exist.
Money Articles
Little Twigs, Little Twigs, Let Me In……….
What an embarrassment! Yeah, you know what I'm talking about. Well, surely some of you do, once that point has been reached, reached out to touch you that is. As for those who don't know, trust me,...
In Verted Peer Amid
Hypothetically speaking, upon whimpering foundational creaking, amid fissured amiss heightened geographical location tweaking, borne again by way of topped-out top-down overindulgent stagnated...
Defile the Pedophile
Fourword Off with his head! Damnatio Memoriae Dead man walking. Well, walking when not in his daily regimen drunken stupor not so spectacular after the face-spending public soured limelight fades...
The Coming Canadian Inquisition – Fiscally Burnt at the State
It is that time of the year. Sproing! It has sprung. Things are, after all, heating up, to such a dizzying stench. All of that shit so proudly fertilizes their own field for societal planting. The...
Inverted Try Angle Seeking 180 Degrees of Separation
Dripping Whet Our supposed universe. A massive vacuous expanse of orbital amazement harbouring countless obervational discoveries yet to be made, while freely showcasing known matters in need of...
No Amount of Reparations Can Capitalize a Bankrupted Mind
Time to start in the middle of it, figuratively speaking anyways, though a literal translation might be just that of the end death bed, intravenously fed, alveoli drowned gasping gurgled sputter...
Pitiful Political Puppets (PPP) – Ein-Gang Unter Klaus
Fourword Way too many links! Feeling Handy Looks like the time has come again for ENDPOLITICIANS.COM to wordily rise to the occasion. Though most assuredly let me assure one that yours 'paragraph...
If Moron Was a Gender the World Would be Overrun?
Cetacean Citation Living in the fantastically fallacious 21st century patchwork of diminutive self, due to an overdose of systemic pseudo individualistic falsehood of feel good selfish importance...
You Stuck Your What in Where?
A Pipeline of Destruction That Debt Charge Can Be Guilty as charged, through sixteen sequentially strategic digits, where the only room for error is one's judgement. Of course it takes separate...
The Second Swimming of the Shit Shark
Not very long ago I wrote an article entitled, Is a Mako Onto Shat, where I expounded upon the villainously veneerial construct of the original sinner, Bitcoin, and of course by default, every other...

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