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Let US, an enlightened, self educated and engaged citizenry come together in order to force our captors apart!
Welcome to EndPoliticians.com, an interactive site where INDIVIDUALS are welcomed and encouraged to submit all kinds of writing, with the intent of spreading intelligent ideas to encourage discussion on various subjects with the emphasis and end goal of developing a society where we are able to wean ourselves off of the falsely portrayed need for political masters to rule over us. It is possible to end the mostly symbolic position of politicians and the role they play in keeping society captive for institutions much more powerful than them.
Let US, an enlightened, self educated, vigilant and engaged citizenry come together in order to force our captors apart!
And we accept poetry!
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Papa Oscar Lima India Charlie Echo
Fourword Welcome to victim mentality. Handcuffing Their Own Mind Welcome to the door of perception, although that not so Wayback Machine voyage still obscenely warps our current space time...
Graphic But Certainly Not Novel National security. Some would say such is a novel concept, while others would be right in concluding that many long, drawn out books have already been written on the...
The Trans Mission Failed Due to an Excessive Gender Fluid Discharge
Dromedary Hallux If I had one of my very own, chances are, I wouldn't leave the house for a week. Well, check that - repeatedly and often for thorough purposes, I most certainly would. After an...
Welcome to the Production Lying Of BC’s Home Depot – Whelp Wanted
Driving Miss Dazey I had been there before on many occasions. Déjà vu, no, actuality, yes, Going places. Pretty much my entire adult life actually. From one geographical location to another, and...
His Own Political Debasement Led to a Flight to Zero Quality
On Toppled Of The World The stakes were high. Life or death indeed. Gambling at such international locales required verifiable creditworthiness to be presented. After all, everyone playing gets a...
Bulging Pierogi Bulgogi?
Steppe Right Down Folks The Z man. That plainly vast miss-steppe ankle biter rambunctious rascal of tomfoolery world tourism. He-brew a strange brew indeed. Still in his backyard of 20 percent...
Pikeholder Democracy
That old saying: when life gives you shit, you make shit sandwiches. Welcome to the government cafeteria warehousing of endless logically starved sandwich artistry abstractness of force fed food...
Swipe Left
Fourword Kurt Vonnegut is grand. Sacrificial Alter Her virgin skin was ceremoniously uncovered, to be keenly molested, ravished at the hands of another intently violating the pure existence of a...
For Christ’s Sake Stop Feeding the Animals
Endlessly Re-Deuced Once again he dug one dimensionally into his shallow bag of tricks in order to linearly shuffle about in search of a meaningful existence able to be flashed believably to the...
Weight for a Few Minutes – Round and Round We Go
Extra, Extra? Read All About It! Wikipedia lists the weight of the Roman pound (libra) at 328.9 grams, and the Roman ounce (uncia) at 27.4 grams. Encyclopedia Britannica also tabulates the Roman...

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