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Let US, an enlightened, self educated and engaged citizenry come together in order to force our captors apart!
Welcome to EndPoliticians.com, an interactive site where INDIVIDUALS are welcomed and encouraged to submit all kinds of writing, with the intent of spreading intelligent ideas to encourage discussion on various subjects with the emphasis and end goal of developing a society where we are able to wean ourselves off of the falsely portrayed need for political masters to rule over us. It is possible to end the mostly symbolic position of politicians and the role they play in keeping society captive for institutions much more powerful than them.
Let US, an enlightened, self educated, vigilant and engaged citizenry come together in order to force our captors apart!
And we accept poetry!
Featured Articles
Poisoning Their Own Well Being
Food From Thoughts The mind is a terrible thing to waste. Hmm, such a statement could branch off in many directions and leave one's rooted stationary dwelling into a transplanted fertilized clear...
Politically Infected – Agonizing Hard Pan
Fourword Thinking about direct democracy. Why Does the Cognitive Additive of That Free Style Amass Such Curdled Pudding So? That eastern iron curtain covering of antiquity, blocking out the humanist...
Absolute Zero’s to the Power of ‘YES!’
The Spectre of the Sceptre Just one of those conundrums - a joke that is nowhere near funny, downright deadly it be, personified in the cruelness of nature, the nature of politics in the pseudo...
A Bankrupted Basket of Current Sees
Screwed By Latex Dominate Tricks Weather and surveillance balloons - historically floated by the wind and accompanying gas of either hydrogen or helium. Now enter the 21st century, where said...
Leader Hosing the Public – How To Stop WWIII
Fourword Cha Cha Cha Chia. Doing Their Wurst All in all they are just another brick with no wall. Well, anyways, physically present in rational three dimensional real world construct to be sure of...
If Moron Was a Gender the World Would be Overrun?
Cetacean Citation Living in the fantastically fallacious 21st century patchwork of diminutive self, due to an overdose of systemic pseudo individualistic falsehood of feel good selfish importance...
Confluent Effluent in the Sphere Under Their Influence
Red Their Minds Surely to confer meaningfully and intelligently on the world outlook ultimately depends upon the sharp vantage points of articulated multi dimensional analytical prowess demonstrated...
Arterial Constipation
Fourword What a bloody mess. Government Ex Lax For Future Relief Arterial constipation, it is now a thing. Politics and big Pharma brought it to the world under the Globalist umbrella. Authoritarian...
Merry Christmas & Coked Up Globalists
Coked Up On par with politicians hot air, global coal production and coal fired power generation has reached an all time high, with a respective 10.3 terawatt hours and 8.3 billion tonnes for 2022....
Non-Universal Basic Outcome Most Certainly Does Not Pay Off
Flat Liners Are Now the Pulse of Nations You know, telling the truth feels good. Well, maybe being honest is more applicable under the circumstances. After all, does not many a truths in this day...

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