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Let US, an enlightened, self educated and engaged citizenry come together in order to force our captors apart!
Welcome to EndPoliticians.com, an interactive site where INDIVIDUALS are welcomed and encouraged to submit all kinds of writing, with the intent of spreading intelligent ideas to encourage discussion on various subjects with the emphasis and end goal of developing a society where we are able to wean ourselves off of the falsely portrayed need for political masters to rule over us. It is possible to end the mostly symbolic position of politicians and the role they play in keeping society captive for institutions much more powerful than them.
Let US, an enlightened, self educated, vigilant and engaged citizenry come together in order to force our captors apart!
And we accept poetry!
Featured Articles
Burst Their Bubble Heads
In my provincial geographical location, the government has come up with 20 meter bubble zones around schools and hospitals to prevent covid protestors from congregating and causing a nuisance. But...
End the Globalist Empire-May the Force Be with US!
Plague of the Globalist Symptoms Unless you are not in a coma, or suffering from the effects of the lack of cognizance, due to the inability of escaping the parameters of homogenization and...
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Turds – Pinocchio Prime Minister
Here is Canada's, out of the limelight, man-child Prime Minister in the Netherlands during these "serious" covid times we live in. At a private party with his World Economic Forum brown nosing Prime...
Lambasting the Lamb Base
Ovis aries. An extremely important animal with great utilitarian purpose, dating back thousands of years into human history. Scientists believe the domestication may date as far back as 11,000 BC in...
Letter to a Government Zombie
Foreword Last week I wrote the provincial health officer for my geographical location. I did not actually expect a response, as these people only engage in carefully choreographed press conferences...
Dying to Get In There But Nothing Out of the Ordinary
A friend of mine is a funeral director in a city with a population of close to 40,000 people. I have never met any of his clientele, but something tells me that their personality, dignity, morality...
Drowning in the See of Debt
According to a new IMF report, total global government debt has reached 88 TRILLION dollars! When I say global government debt it means the debt of all sovereign(?) governments around the globe....
Life is a joke It is Best to Have a Sense of Humour!
Spooky A Little while back I wrote a poem called Common Sense. Figuring Thomas Paine was a swell guy, I ordered a cheap used copy of his writings from below the 49th. When the package arrived it...
Today would have been my mom's seventy first birthday. Hard work, determination and positive thought are a few of the necessary life skills I managed to observe being a constant emmitance in her...
No Wah Wa Wah Wa Wa Wah Wa There
Yesterday as I drove down one of the arterial streets, on my way from somewhere to another place, I spotted a booth very much like the one pictured above, though instead of the word...

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