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Let US, an enlightened, self educated and engaged citizenry come together in order to force our captors apart!
Welcome to EndPoliticians.com, an interactive site where INDIVIDUALS are welcomed and encouraged to submit all kinds of writing, with the intent of spreading intelligent ideas to encourage discussion on various subjects with the emphasis and end goal of developing a society where we are able to wean ourselves off of the falsely portrayed need for political masters to rule over us. It is possible to end the mostly symbolic position of politicians and the role they play in keeping society captive for institutions much more powerful than them.
Let US, an enlightened, self educated, vigilant and engaged citizenry come together in order to force our captors apart!
And we accept poetry!
Featured Articles
His & Hers Incaptulator – Model 34.5-X
Fourword Go the slugs. Slime. Habit-Trail Life went on in varying detail. For all parties involved, up until the hour, it was a regular weekend the likes of which had played out so many times...
Narcotic Donkeys and the Weight of the Whirled
Fourword Cirrhosis, scoliosis, trichinosis, metempsychosis? Extra! Extra! Read All About It!: Website For Sale!!! That's right, it could all be yours! And who would not want to buy into such an...
Quarter McPussy Pounder and the Troglo-Klingons
Fourword Super Duper Kaleidoscope Fantasy. On With His Head Time to enter the Pantomime Express, a cavernous eternal beast, racked in ruin, through the ages, such in productions. Comedic relief of...
Back to the Drawing Board
Observational obliteration, entwined, intermingled, engrained. Dimensional delving, maimed, defamed, shamed, one and the same, unneeded in name, there and then to the here and now. Surrounds, so in...
In Verted Peer Amid
Hypothetically speaking, upon whimpering foundational creaking, amid fissured amiss heightened geographical location tweaking, borne again by way of topped-out top-down overindulgent stagnated...
A Flock of Seagulls
In Constructive Ignorance A firm footing that architecture of ignorance lays, spread thin none the less in shallow accompaniment. Foundational shambles in the form of a constrictive constructive...
Defile the Pedophile
Fourword Off with his head! Damnatio Memoriae Dead man walking. Well, walking when not in his daily regimen drunken stupor not so spectacular after the face-spending public soured limelight fades...
Minotaur Molasses
Diabolically dimensional. Disconcertingly diminutive. Deconstructive departurism. Succeedingly leading. Recessive recessiveness. So it goes. Set in motion. The choice is not. Upon the turn. Escape...
Motorcycle Fruitcake – The Third Penetration
Circle jerk commencement leading to a traffic jam bonanza Looking both ways reveals not a woman anywhere in sight Unity amongst brothers that special connection is made Bad to the bone motto opens a...
Motorcycle Fruitcake – The Premiere Reaming
Cam’s shaft excitedly turns his faltering crank, As a handlebar moustache tickles his taint. Redlined palpitation races uncontrollably forward, Leaving that kickstand buried in the dirt. Ignition...

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