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Let US, an enlightened, self educated and engaged citizenry come together in order to force our captors apart!

Welcome to EndPoliticians.com, an interactive site where INDIVIDUALS are welcomed and encouraged to submit all kinds of writing, with the intent of spreading intelligent ideas to encourage discussion on various subjects with the emphasis and end goal of developing a society where we are able to wean ourselves off of the falsely portrayed need for political masters to rule over us. It is possible to end the mostly symbolic position of politicians and the role they play in keeping society captive for institutions much more powerful than them.

Let US, an enlightened, self educated, vigilant and engaged citizenry come together in order to force our captors apart!

And we accept poetry!

Featured Articles

Weak Germ

Fallow heads of overreach sprout another's planted intention Spreading the blight on any terms so blows of indignation Strewn about of mindless seed a harvest for the taking Stunted in and parcelled...

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Tales From the Cryptic

A Sis Stance For this genesis, leading into the analysis of my currently revolving all encompassing universal synthesis, borne by way of escaping cognitive paralysis, in due time leading to my all...

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