I suppose right now must be the right time to let my readership know that one of my turn-ons is watching uncoordinated Japanese women run. Trust me, it’s a thing, I saw it once, in real life, and then on the internet once thereafter, of which only confirmed my two-thirds gangly suspicions. That’s right, Japanese girls, from Japan. It’s a thing. But what about uncoordinated Chinese women, from China? Nope, just not the same, I don’t think so anyways – have never seen it though. Nah, wouldn’t be on par. Perhaps watching uncoordinated Canadian girls run? Christ no, I’d run the other way as fast as I could. Uncoordinated Vietnamese women you say? Hmm, well that’s something to think about. Come to think of it, about halfway there – short of her destination that is! It’s a thing.
So, a communist, a masochist, and an antichrist walk into a bar. Truth is, they are all one and the same – pandering for votes. Globalist 101, it’s a thing. There is always an election somewhere. And defunct, waste of atom personalties to match. No, no, not that Satanic freak-show south of the forty-ninth parallel. Homegrown to my provincial geographical location this time, coming October 19th 2024. Yes, that devilly-possessed freak-show public ‘Freak On’ north of the forty-ninth parallel and west of the Rocky Mountains. Sociopatic apparatchiks lying the halls of power. Ask not what they can do for you, but what they are truly only doing for themselves. It’s a thing.

David Eby – “New Democrat Party” – Communist, Masochist, Antichrist, Waste of Atoms, Fuck-Face, Diarrhea Personified, Ontarian Douchebag Immigrant, Pathological Liar, and possibly a Chesterfield Fornicator!
Will Yours Deviated Septum Truly be voting you ask? Fuck no! I voted once in my life, partaking in Globalist “democracy” in the last federal election Cana-duh had a few years back. I still feel dirty as all Hell for participating. No matter how many beer I drink, I cannot get that awful taste out of my mind. Yours Spinal Cord Sufferer Truly is seriously contemplating a frontal, anterior, and dual-hemispherical lobotomy so as to relieve myself of such a haunting memory and serious lack of judgement. Call it a .357 Magnum medical procedure. A rope, beam, rickety stool and cleansing gravity could not atone for such a horrible mistake. It would have to be messy, so as the others would have to think about what I once did, in voting, and that every piece of brain matter scooped from the floor was a better pick than that of any Globalist “democracy” politician. It’s a thing.

Sonia Furstenau – “Green Party” – Communist, Masochist, Antichrist, Pathological Liar, Climate-Fear-Monger, Masochist, Waste of Atoms, Freshly Shat Underwear, Albertan Immigrant, Masochist, Fuck-Face, and Possible Closeted Sapphic Scissorer!
But what could go wrong in voting one might ask? But what could go right in voting one might retort? Well I got you there. Why, “free” handouts of course. What else do you pieces of shit vote for? They will always give you “this” while promising to make sure that they will not let the other do “that.” Then they monkey-fuck general sensibilities once appointed on lacklustre turnouts and continue ever-long to drag society into the muck upon broken promises, fiscal re-suicide into an already putrified corpse, and an all around general incompetence leading to the next shift of the next fuck-face shameless enough to promote more self-serving lies to continue the cycle of ignorance down, down, down where the faeces, corpses, halibut, lobsters, crabs, political establishment and therefore society dwell. Fuck that! It’s a thing.

John Rustad – “Conservative” – Apparatchik, Masochist, Antichrist, Waste of Atoms, Pathological Liar, Fuck-Face, Born and Bred British Columbian Gerbil Boy, Lumpy Piece of Shit, and Possible Circle Jerk Participant!
Yours Uncoordinated Running Japanese Girl Admirer Truly has to hand it to those “Conservative” pieces of lumpy shit. They were the only knuckle-dragging devolutionary slobs to pander to myself in any way whatsoever, as they somehow managed to get my phone number and send me repeated text messages. It’s a thing. An unwanted thing. Those “Conservatives” want me to vote for “Common Sense Change.” So here I sit, waiting for the option of somebody offering me the choice of watching them fight to the death in an electrified rusty cage, where the winner would have to sign an obligational contract of keeping every and all promises under the punishment of a slow and painful death – death by ten-thousand paper-cuts administered by the highly-honed dual use contract paper engineered by Yours Ginsu-Paper-Contract Engineer Truly. It’s a thing – I just made it up! Slice & Dice, then into the turbid muck.
That’s right people, John Rustad and his “Conservative” zoonotic suffering necro-bestial clique of dyspeptic impurity have promised myself and fellow British Columbians to “Stop the Crime,” Scrap the Tax,” and “Keep Emergency Rooms Open.” Well, as for keeping ER’s open, they did not necessarily state that said ER’s would be stocked with competent personnel, or any personnel at all, whereas it certainly ain’t gonna happen unless a major overhaul of how competent and willing staff are trained, acquired and even willing to work in remote locales, which will not be an overnight success, of which no doubt the greasy fuck-tard NDP are already attempting to solve the problem. Which makes me think of around seven years ago when I sliced the corner tip of my left hand’s middle finger off, through the fingernail, with an Olfa knife while working the night shift, allowing the finger flap to flop around like the Canadian heads of Terrence and Phillip of South Park fame; of which when I walked into a fully-packed ER was awarded the lucky ticket #1 while looking around and thinking, “What the fuck are all these hypochondriacs sitting around all pathetic like while not bleeding profusely, broken-boned, skin-melted, or impaled by random inanimate objects!?” Provide me a politician that will call out such sad-sack inhabitants, or promise to attempt to construct an education and social system that would not pander and promote such a societal failure, and sure, Yours Punctuation Butcher Truly may put his .357 Magnum Lobotomizer down and vote without a bang. Endless pandering to mindless drones. It’s a thing.

And yes, I went back to work that same night after having my fingertip sewn back on, and did not even open a Workers Compensation File.
As for “Scrapping the tax.” Fuck yeah! Goddamn carbon tax – go fuck yourself David Eby, Sonia Firstenau, Just-him Truedope, and you, you fucking bitch King Charles the Turd! Take your Globalist tax and beat Prince William and Harry to death with it, then Romanov the entirety of European “monarchy and aristocracy” right down to the last newborn baby with the leftovers, being sure to keep some in reserve incase a inbred straggler needs their wasted atoms to be deservedly snuffed post haste. It’s a thing. Let’s make it a thing again!
Oh, to “Stop the Crime.” You mind-wiped “Conservative” Fuck-Faces. Well, it seems like the fed up British Columbian populace just might be desperate enough for any type of change to know you are full of absolute shit but are willing to look the other way in the knowledge that even attempting to do a minuscule something about the problem, over David Eby’s willingness to do absolutely nothing about deserving to be turned into fertilizer low-life scumbags is worth the shame in voting for a self-serving pathological liar donning a different team color. Maybe, along with “stopping the crime” Rustad and his circle-jerking caucus should promise everybody free unicorns and the cure for cancer to anybody picking his name on the ballot. Surely the “Conservatives” first step to eliminate the crime will be allowing the BC populace to publicly slaughter the mind-wiped, lib-tard, confined piss-brains of what seems to be the majority of British Columbia judges? Sign me up! And sign me up for the Burnaby Militia too! I am sure the police and anyone else with a shred of decency would turn a blind-eye to dealing with those unable to control themselves from harming others. It’s a thing. What a thing it could be!
Let’s just hope that there are enough foolish people to want to vote, yet not being foolish enough to vote for the immeasurable chasm of either David Eby or Sonia Furstenau. Hopefully British Columbia hurls David Eby and Sonia Furstenau head first with rapidity into said chasm, of which could then be measured as containing two defunct pieces of absolute maggot infested, putrid offal; then stand John Rustad at the edge of such an abysmal chasm, with societal boots cocked back ready to strike the cleansing release of which is assuredly deserved, as the three self-serving fools cling to a days are numbered nothingness.
Put a gun to my head and right after the choice of allowing my brains to be blown complete over whatever substrate in whichever geographical location, then yeah, I would vote “Conservative” and whichever Member of the Legislative Assembly in my totally missing any salient point riding incapable of escaping the confines of an all out sewer dwelling that went along with such stinking trash. It’s a thing. Just look around!
My vote is, They Can All Go Fuck Themselves! It’s a thing.
For those from afar and not in tune with the breathing abortion that is British Columbia politics, the “Conservative” party was virtually unheard of until about two months ago and I do not think they even have two seats in the BC Legislature. British Columbia has been under New Democrat (closeted communist) party rule for seven years or so. The main rival to the New Democrats used to be the “Liberal” party, but in the wisest political decision ever, to distance the party from the federal “Liberal” party of Globalist gerbil boy Just-him Truedope, their leader Kevin Falcon changed the name to the BC United Party. Well, needless to say, with what seems to be a favourite pastime of sniffing glue, a great many of British Columbia residents were not even capable of discerning the connection between the old “Liberals” and the new “BC United” and the polls had BC United in the toilet about to meet the sewer, so Kevin Falcon folded the party and the “Conservatives” became a conglomeration of pathologically defunct personalities anew and BC United leftovers.
There are a lot of mind-wiped, smug, tree-hugging, pretentious, societally indoctrinated dupe, other provincial cast-off immigrants dwelling in British Columbia who are truly unable to think for themselves, hate anybody doing better than themselves and are looking for nothing other than the lowest common denominator “free” handouts from their government pimps, so it will be interesting to see how this election turns out. Of course there are also a lot of the same types of waste of atoms born and bred in BC. All out products of government, unable to think, let alone discern such a glaring fact. It’s a thing! The only saving grace may be that of the memory of what the New Democrat Party did À La COVID.