The straw that broke this mammals back.
COVID-19 was the overriding reason for this INDIVIDUAL to bring this website into fruition. Actually, not Covid-19 specifically, but the all around nightmare that most of our politicians unleashed upon society (There were a few countries that behaved in an intelligent manner), unnecessarily ruining the lives of millions of INDIVIDUALS and countless small businesses which are the backbone of a strong and healthy community.
Politicians and media, state and mainstream, have set parameters for the discussion of Covid-19. When you set parameters for debate/discussion it is no longer free speech. Without free speech you cease to live in a free society.
Here is a section to allow free speech on the subject, whether it be possible hidden agendas, a poem, story to how the authoritarian lockdown affected your life, etc.
Covid-19 Articles
VIRGIN MILF. Hmm, now there is an immediate concept for philosophical ponderance. On second thoughts, could be that miraculous conception? Mmm-Mmm, Mary, Mary, Mary! Although, come to theoretically...
His & Hers Incaptulator – Model 34.5-X
Fourword Go the slugs. Slime. Habit-Trail Life went on in varying detail. For all parties involved, up until the hour, it was a regular weekend the likes of which had played out so many times...
Arterial Constipation
Fourword What a bloody mess. Government Ex Lax For Future Relief Arterial constipation, it is now a thing. Politics and big Pharma brought it to the world under the Globalist umbrella. Authoritarian...
When God Closes the Door He Opens a Window for Defenestration
Lyer Lyer Mouth On Eire Top o' the morning to ya! It is looking like the time has come for the Irish Spring! Like jolly old England's centuries long subjugation of the Eire, there might be enough...
Time to End the Climate of Fear Being Precipitated By the Globalist Deluge
Messing With My Programming My apologies to those who normally use my voice reader function to intake my articles. For some reason Wordpress has has limited my maximum audio file size to 2MB(this...
Society is Consolidating
Cueing Up to Get the Lowdown 'Tis the season where the mercury has risen, so extracurricular outdoor happenings are most assuredly a given. For those in the northern hemisphere anyways. A...
Up In the Air Humanity Needs Grounding
Ten Foot Poll A day, and a few hours late, not to bring up a buck short, well, more than a few bucks short for sure, as to when I started this very journey entry. But heck that is what volunteerism...
Chasing the Golden Carrot
Soon to Be In Spectre of Hell Well, I'd like to say that "they" are at it again, but in an all too blatant reality, "they" have never stopped with the premeditated murder of freedom, liberty,...
Time to Again Lambaste Canada’s Human Waste – These Turds Can’t Be Polished Only Flushed
Fourword Not just Canada, worldwide! Into the Void of a Nothingness The time has come again. Scratch that. The time has never left, when Canada's "leader," the treasonous globalist puppet Just-him...
Second Class Citizen of the Truedope Dictatorship

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