In case anybody is wondering, much to my chagrin, Yours Handyman Truly was not called upon to tweak and remedy rusty hinges and the like on old Saint Peter’s cloud compound as of unsure direction of said metaphysical geographical location destination, where in doing so, allowing Yours Scorched Eyeballs Truly to escape the veritable Hell on earth one finds when the realization that after having been unwillingly snatched from the now all too brief flopsy-flurvy hazy crazy everywhere all around dreamland respite, that, alright, such was a well deserved dream, but back to the defiled nightmare some would claim as a rational society.
No, no, last week’s ENDPOLITICIANS.COM production was cancelled due to a pitiful hacker(s) with zero manners. And a lack of basic impulse control too. Imagine that, basic impulse control, and undoubtedly other supposedly worldly people somewhere probably look to such person(s) as having something worthy to say. Not to mention the all-out cowardice that goes along with such a ridiculous endeavour of hacking the equivalent of a helpless baby while being that of a Pentagon super-computer assassin. Priorities, like one’s personality must truly be well and fucked up one must suppose? Could be, but how can Yours Vivid Imagination Truly know, after all, such a troglodyte coward hides in the recesses of one’s own deluded mind and would never commit a crime to my face to collect the immediate retribution they deserve, so all one can do is comedically speculate as to the makeup of such an anonymous defunct personally fully well and void of any sort of enlightenment, yet most assuredly coming across as The Ages of philosophers rolled into one corporately conglomerate slovenly package within their impulse control afflicted mind. Cute little self adorned bowtie and all!
One might comedically imply that such a person(s) deviant and defunct personality has possibly developed from the psychological model of pie? Hey, but who doesn’t enjoy a good pie? Peach, blueberry, steak & kidney, strawberry rhubarb, shepherds, and can’t forget about that good ol’ American apple pie! No, no, not that kind of pie, have you not learned that ENDPOLITICIANS.COM ain’t no family bakery production!? Of course you have, that’s why y’all keep coming back for more, or is that more really less? Well, y’all keep coming back for something, so it is only fair that I give it to you. But not like they give it to him! Give what to who? Cream pies, silly, what else! You know, the Extracurricular Creamery Model. The old in out, in out of the hackers impulse control afflicted containment vessel. So goes the cream pie in the defunct personality of the basic impulse control afflicted existence of the predatory computer hacker? In baseball analogy, always the catcher and never the pitcher? Pattern recognition might determine such to be the case. Maybe Socrates has the answer?
Whoever such a defunct person(s) is, uckfay ouyay owardcay!