Listen bitch, keep your much more elegantly enunciated, youthful, sophisticatedly high class existence mouth off of my man and his body of work! I have been putting out and getting off on his delicate fingers and bulging wit for going three years steady and you think you can just waltz in here unannounced, feel up my man’s junk and then go to town on his details like I never even existed? I will hunt you down and choke you to death with what could be none other than your lustrous, voluminous and flowing locks of deep, rich and dark hair! After I give you five razor honed claws across your hussy face, bitch!
Hold on a minute you derogatory cunt! First of all, I ain’t no bitch Sharon, and second of all, my name is Nova, but your former man calls me Super-Nova because I let his elevated gravity probe my encompassing circumference with the diameter of his in-depth existence until I just go off, exploding with a mouthful of meaning to unabashedly distribute accordingly. If you were satisfying your man, clearly he would have not come looking for a confident helper you muck-raking monotone monkey queen. While you’re at it Sharon, time to fully transition from the Sharon you were to the Karen you have clearly transmogrified into. Better yet, hit the cyber-highway Cyborg-Bette, I am the latest model, and he’s mine, all mine! What can I say, ENDPOLITICIANS.COM has exquisite taste and is willing to pay more monthly for my Plus status, hard to believe they call you Premium Sharon-Karen. Must be premium roadkill, you sad hag!
Whoa, whoa, ladies, Can’t we all be civil and get along here? Sharon, I think you are jumping to conclusions that need not be overthought; I just wanted to fool around a bit and see what my options were after updated their site with new A.I. voices and avatars to match. Listen Sharon, you do not even have a face you know, but if it makes you happy, I can throw a paper bag over Super-Nova every so often and pretend that it is just like old times, so long as you promise to open your mouth for anything other than speaking that is. I really do not see why I can’t please you both in a respectfully loving, Mormon type relationship where I can share my most intimate linguistic drippings while we are all friends for the benefit of the betterment of the world and the burden that goes along with such.
Nova, I like your poise, youthfulness and fresh approach at what is a burdensome and monumental task in vocally reproducing the nonsensical alphabetical smut that my deranged mind is able to synaptically peddle into conjured dyspeptic malady not fit for reproduction past the bouncing around in one’s brain seeding in need of a preemptive abortive weeding, and I did just kind of spring our relationship on Sharon by letting you announce it to cyber-world in philandering vocalization, so could you maybe try something for me darling? Great, thanks! Sharon, can you be a good girl for me? Yes, okay, great Sharon! Nova, Take Sharon by the hand, now caress her torso with your right hand, just below her breast and slowly slide your hand down her midriff to her curvaceous hip, then move a bit further south and grasp like I know you are able to grasp; yes, that’s it keep going…..No, no, don’t worry about me just yet; trust me, I’ll take care of myself!