It is that time of the year. Sproing! It has sprung. Things are, after all, heating up, to such a dizzying stench. All of that shit so proudly fertilizes their own field for societal planting. The strangling tendrils bloom in disgusting nature, rooted upon a perforated and permeated mainline sewer pipe of destruction putridly spewing but a caustic lie of dissolute dissolution concoction leaching the life from an ecosystem evermore toxic and long since sustainable, of nourishment having evaporated, leaving withered, dried out pseudo-logic and an empty well where, honestly, wisdom never materialized. A disturbed clone of a sickly branch to have never escaped the blinding shade of a prickly rooted underground facing sinking exposure.
Fumble fumble roil and bumble, the miasmic government of Cana-duh cauldron sloppily overflows of literal human waste inputs fertilizing a sickly dish of entrapment via “poor people” reporting on thy shelter provider for a paltry sum of $400 or less. The fiscal witch-hunt has been planted. Though not to worry, it is just benevolent government altruism at it’s finest!, mixed with incompetence and heavily splattered with a government must know all 1984 seasoning of wretched gag factor to anybody paying attention and not wanting to live in the dystopian society to which we have already been paved over in the roughshod pockmarked making. Besides government is all too happy to spend $100 so as to get a $9 “payoff.”
Yes, tax season it is. Though some may call it, “Put on your kneepads, close your eyes and open your mouth season.” Fitting without a doubt, as swallowing a load of diseased government dribble is the dyspeptic distaste sproing of a thoroughly failed fiscal government nightmare to which there is no escape, other than full on full-circle-roundy-round-reshuffling technique extraordinaire of course. It is a thing. Or, you could die in their World War Three annihilation, after having one’s money stolen to have one murdered or maimed in fragmented disassemblement. Isn’t government great! Super spectacular! Tantalizingly terrific! Give them all a raise, then throw them out the fucking window!
The province of British Columbia, through their Globalist (monarchist slobs) brown-nosing federal overlords in the bureaucratic human fertilizer piling of the Cana-duh Revenue Agency pigpen have introduced for tax year 2023 a B.C. Renter’s Tax Credit which gives “free” money (refundable tax credit) to those making up to eighty-thousand dollars annually, where families or individuals making $60,000 or less are eligible for a $400 credit, while those between $60,000 and $80,000 dollars are eligible to receive an adjusted credit (every $1000 increase in income leads to a $20 loss in the ‘inform on your landlord tax credit’) depending upon actual income total. That’s right, so if one earns $79,000, one is eligible for a whopping $20 ‘inform on your landlord tax credit.’ Truly government brilliance at its dimmest bulb. What else would one expect?
All one has to do to earn said tax credit, apart for conform to an official government “eligible rental unit” and 6 month rental timeframe is to file with the government how much rent one pays at what address, and of course the name of either the individual landlord or property renting company to whom one hands one’s rent money over to. CR is not sure about five braincells, but surely anyone with at least six functioning synaptic impulses must realize that this supposed tax credit has all the makings of an ‘inform on your landlord’ infiltrative trickery; where nowhere could I find the Cana-duh Revenue agency stating what will be done with the fiscal and property ownership information of which it collects from the renter (paid informer), hence whether it will be used in a sting to entrap landlords in a pathetic attempt to hemorrhage blood from ever more calcified societal stones. Here Cana-duh is in the middle of a housing crisis and the government is compiling a vindictive and predatory list of those who have been successful and kind enough to give somebody a place to put a roof over their head. Heil Just-him Truedope and his “royal” Nazi bully boys!
In the future, with the adjusted income threshold amount being adjusted for inflation, the 2024 tax eligibility will be automatically raised to an $83,000 ‘inform on your landlord’ tax credit; meaning that if the current government bungling of fiscal and economic policies just remains at the same trend as today, in seven short years the ‘inform on your landlord’ tax credit limit will be at $101,000 and may have the possibility to meagrely incentivize up to nearly 90% of the Canadian wage earning population that rent property to ‘inform on your landlord’ for as little as a paltry sum of less than $20 Canadian dollars. Though with government fiscal policy seeming to enter a compounding stage of incompetence, and what may very well be massive wartime inflation on the horizon, the government of Cana-duh may have the ‘inform on your landlord’ tax credit up to, say, $110,000 dollars by 2028(?), giving Canadians the piddly-fink right to claim an ‘inform on your landlord’ tax credit for around $20, of which by 2028 may be able to afford someone the displeasure of strictly buying one of those fancy bourgeoise items known as a loaf of bread (now infused with bugs for Globalist orgasmic pleasure!). Oh Cana-duh – We Stand On Guard for a Teutonic Fudge-Packing Queen!
Really if the feudal lord representation truly gave one fuck about us lowdown slovenly country builders and not about gaining as much control over as much of the populace as possible and subsequently turning them against each other, surely loosening restraints in order to dole out some needed fiscal reprieve, therefore freedom, and hence liberty, could the incompetent bureaucratic “royal” serving toady pukes have not just lessened overall taxes by a set amount. Heaven knows those bureaucratic dolts and political piss-brains are unable to literally count in even a semi-effective manner. No, no, the pathetically incompetent government of Cana-duh must compile a vindictive list of people who may be considered successful and then spend hundreds of millions of dollars in ‘inform on your landlord’ bribes so as to be able to, in the not too distant future, audit and collect tens of millions in fines and attempt to trample successful housing providers into fiscal dust when discrepancies, for ultimately many reasons come to incompetent government dim lights. What could possibly go wrong?
Such asinine tax legislation is but a can of rotted worms for any geographical location’s populace to swallow. But hey, that is what Globalist government wants – eat those nasty bugs! Shall I peel the bureaucratic mopani worm and cram it down those cranially constricted government throats?
Petty and vindictive. Now there is a trait that escapes government confines and spreads stoop-low across a numerical percentile of humanity regardless of which government holds them captive by whatever means available and at such accepted disposal. Stone cold loser accompanying regular rot-mind confirmation; jealous and spiteful, to them, in such abundant character flaw is any being who so escapes the pathetic confines of which said grumbling stumblers were never able to escape, not taking their own poor choices, lack of effort, or sanitized self-belief and ability; nor other ascending traits and hard work that may have put someone in an earned place to get ahead. What CR is basically saying is there are countless people out there who seriously detest anyone doing better than them for any reason whatsoever, which includes those supposed “have not” renters who are “forced” to rent from “rich” pricks, that is, until that mind wiped equality clique storms all the “castles” and redistributes all the land and wealth into their own laps so they never have to work again, become peers with their favourite celebrity white trash, all the while creating a hyper-utopia for mankind amongst other fantastic delusions spinning in such grotesquely weak minds. Trust me there are people that delusional walking amongst us in great numbers, and if they had the chance to overreport how much rent they paid in order to collect the ‘inform on your landlord’ handout with the possibility of creating a date for their landlord with the the Canadian Inquisition hearing, they would be all but enthusiastic about getting back at that “rich” prick. Oh, and not to mention of the countless slumlords out there who are just as big a dicks in such petty vindictiveness persona; do you think not that many renters will be looking for retributive actions to “get even” in the pathetic way that many people are incapable of not entangling a learned enlightenment within their lowly living once they are evicted or feel cheated in whichever way and now have a government encouraged method to collect “free” money while sicking government suspicion upon another being?

Government – Always Doing Asbestos They Can!
Nope in many great cases, those fiscal numbers from landlords and renters are not going to add up, and it will not be all due to pettiness, vindictiveness, fudging of the books, mathematical errors….Here is a nice big mopani worm to chew on for bureaucratic rejects attempting to turn society upon each other in a feeding frenzy gone too far decades ago, yet increasing of ignorant stupidity in a government agency near us all. Sadly as much as many people realize that government is the problem, they are all too willing to sabotage the greater good for a few “free” dollars. Such is the honed composted plans of purposefully consumptive governance. Such an ambush of ignorance has sprouted upwards and out wards for millennia.
Believe it or not, there are people out there who rent housing as the sole leaseholder and then charge others a monthly rate to live in said abode. CR once worked with someone who rented a house for around $2000, had two roommates of who were charged $800 apiece cash, leaving said person to only pay $400 per month out of their own pocket. According to one dimensional government analysis such a situation, if all three renters claimed the ‘inform on your landlord’ tax credit, would show up as $3600 claimed to be charged in rent for an address that the landlord is claiming $2000 (or less) in tax purposes, if even claiming tax purposes at all. Yup, let the fiscal witch-hunt begin!
Sorry, but the Cana-duh revenue agency is not collecting thousands upon thousands of peoples names tied to specific properties and dollar amounts purported to be paid to such people, only to do absolutely nothing with said information. Government does not operate in such petty, vindictive, vile behaviour just to supposedly be nice to “poor” renters; as mentioned above, government could have rewarded the same “poor” people now caught up in a morally abhorrent and underhanded ‘inform on your landlord’ societal tailspin apparatus of tyranny by a means that did not catch productive members of society in a government dragnet to be throttled by government under governments delusional self-reflective gaze of benevolence. Nope said ‘inform on your landlord’ tax legislation is but a rapid sinking from the shoulders to the underside of the metaphorical societal chin in a raw sewage pool well on its way to fully drowning the entire societal construct in the downward trajectory within the feckless shit pile the masses now so drown as government pulls from below while claiming to be throwing a life preserver. It is a matter of when, not if, for the government of Cana-duh to begin the Canadian Inquisition and begin burning individuals fiscally at the state.

Canadian Landlord Audit of the Future – Then the Government Sells Your Property to the World Economic Forum Affiliated BlackRock Corporation for pennies on the dollar.
And just how did CR learn about the ‘inform on your landlord’ tax credit you ask? Why he began his tax regime of course. Then last Saturday my accountant phoned and wanted to know if I rent, to which he proceeded to explain the needed information for me to be able to ‘inform on my landlord.’ For you see CR qualified for an ‘inform on your landlord’ tax credit. It may have only been $11.25 but my accountant wanted me to give him the needed information so I could get my precious ‘inform on your landlord’ tax credit. “Is it mandatory?,” I asked, to which he replied, “no.” To which I replied, “good.” Then I proceeded to explain my fully soured distaste of anything government and how I just very much want to be left alone and certainly not be an idiotic stooge in helping the government create further an already fully dystopian and morally and fiscally bankrupt geographical location of which now I no longer want to be a part of, let alone with an added battering ram that hunts down productive members of society to be punished for governments full on incompetence and lack of needed self-reflective shame and subsequent dynamiting.
And just how many millions of Canadians do you think will just unthinkingly claim, through the input of their unthinking accountants the ‘inform on your landlord’ tax credit just so that they can “earn” anywhere from $1.25 to $400 in order to ‘inform on their landlord’ and begin the snowball from hell circulatory encompassment of larger and egregiously aggressive punishment of productive members of society?
A landslide of ignorance! A landslide of ignorance!
Welcome to Cana-duh.