I’ll be damned, my old school paper pulp Globalist supported calendar let me know today that November the 14th is none other than the birthday of that raving Teutonic-Limey bitch Queen Charles the Turd. Yes, that fugly inbred, gin and baby blood drinking, toddler molesting “royal” freeze dried for “aristocracy” consumption abortion of thoroughly spent piece of shit and ultimate waste of atoms. Would somebody please run that fuck-face through with some old Sheffield steel of some sort, back to front, then front to back for mirrored inclusion of world benefit!?
Surely it must be known by now that the difference between a joke and thirty ragingly erect penises is that Queen Charles the Turd cannot take the joke! But, oh, how he loves that cock! Old Mummy’s Schlong was his favourite English breakfast. One would suspect that a “royal” first cousin becomes taboo on such a special day, as the special birthday delight is that of savouring one’s full blooded sister, brother, or no doubt both, in old Chomo Chuckey’s delectable “royal” debauchery. A regular corned beef sandwich à la Prince Andrew and Princess Anne, crusts included.

“I will not spare my rod, so that I may spoil the child! – How I love the Cockney accent”
Really, if a gallows is what y’all are looking for, I would happily volunteer my time to build one. Heck, I’ll even grow some hemp, fashion some chords, weave them into a rope, hunt that pathetic fuck-face down, beat him senseless, secure my trademarked noose, do the old over-under around that beam, oil those trap-door hinges, kick him in the “royal” cunt, and then give the general public what they are looking for: the ghost of Adolph Hitler confessing that the Nazi’s were in fact a “royal” concoction designed and designated to unfurl the Weimar Republic and bring as much death and destruction to Europe and the world as humanly possible so that the “royals” and their insiders could profit immensely while sowing such discord according to their millennia long obfuscation of societal generale which has finally been detected , so as to begin a new and camouflaged ignorance passing as something worthwhile for the mindless gawkers.
Or, tie that “royal” fuck-face to a Howitzer and blow him clean in two with a payload of defaced coinage, so as to finally let the “royal” gerbils rest in peace.
European monarchies – what a fucking joke! European monarchies reigning over North America – what a grounds for extermination!