….., and that’s how you usher in world peace, kinship among humanity regardless of race, religion, gender, pathetic political phenotype, divisional desertification, and all of the other idealistic mind-melted drivel humanity has been fooling itself with for the past multitudinal millennial of engrained inescapable confinement of dimensional Powerslave incorporation into hereditary core induced obliteration.

Yeah right. Fat chance. Slim Pickings. Low ball. High brow. Left hanging. Right bungled. Enlightenment vacuum. The Human Condition. But hey, Yours Human Guinea Pig Truly did just find a way to start this synaptic diarrheal and chemically valanced distaste and waste of all’s time alphabetical disgrace and lack of allegorical nonsense with, how shall one say: a goddamn non-capitalized lower case in point of stunting to Thee by way of what could only truly be a wee societal anomaly unfit to containment be.

In R.L. Burnside fashion: Well, well, well!? Kind of makes one think, scratching one’s whiskered or non-whiskered chin in ponderance suffice to query aloud, unless of course, muted transactional thought provoking braincase contained tumbling be thy grace of time and space interoperable shakedown cranking upness.

That’s right – the world’s most powerful man. Hmm, this could get interesting. Very interesting indeed. And why not? Besides, does one not have immediately jump to mind; super yachts, high priced lawyers, private jets, high bribery, government connections, endless lovely ladies on each arm, informational abundance front-running the heaps of poor human scum, demigod reflections, and something that now, some surely dead Grey Poupon finger dipping and seat sniffing Ol’ Fuck used to refer to as “Champagne Wishes and Caviar Dreams.”

But who could it be, and what makes a man so? The most powerful man in the world that is.

Could it be some A to the up the waZoo Bezos Bozo’s Doctor Evil emulating, phallic spacecraft manufacturing to make up for topographical shallowness in owning propaganda infused disinformation spewing Post mortem Washington DC/Virginia sewer emanating and nationwide brain-scrambling nonsense not fit for birdcage lining in physical pulped form, let alone the diabolical digital degenerative disgust, of which, if transformed into pornography, would undoubtedly be on par with a sole repeated image of a mucus, dirt, puss infused and overgrown fingernail emanating from a gangly, blister sore infested fingertip donning bloody hangnails being repeatedly crammed into a leprosy afflicted nostril that was unlucky enough to have lived in a Washington DC suburb and was therefore already half dead by means of the uncontainable necrotizing fasciitis inhaled normalcy of diseased surrounding?

Perhaps some orangutang likeness, debauched ‘pussy grabbing’ maniac with a Chesterfield fucking compatriot hellbent upon proving how there could be so many people with high IQ’s who proved to be complete fucking idiots surrounding the last hurrah let loose upon the world stage to undoubtedly prove that anyone who ever had the inkling of America ever being great in any epoch of history would undoubtedly have to be but a mediocre thinker and need to take a Time Machine back to before humans even existed to finally reach the point in time of America ever being great. With said ‘pussy grabbing’ orangutang also outright proving that some beings, no matter how much “wealth” they manage to accumulate have proven from their ketchup on steak, Big Mac, and endless diet Coke inhaling existence that it is possible to be filthy rich yet have absolutely zero class whatsoever. USA! USA! USA! swimming in the shallows of newly discovered and charted by Yours Geographical Location Delineator Truly in the wet-brained area now known as The Gulf of Americanization. Far and Wide. Zero Depth. Yup, America: The 49th County of England – infected by the Crown long before and continually since 1776. How else could a Globalist corporation such as Ford produce a car model called the Crown Victoria and get it to be overwhelmingly used nationwide by police force after police force for decades? Correction: make that police forces nationwide, and federal agencies in tandem riding the Crown around the nation.

American Greatness!!!

What is that stink? Kind of Musky out there, no? Cloudy with a chance of Biltong. Enter the many women – and now accompanying children. Busy man that guy. World’s most powerful? Surely somebody able to sell so many people around the globe so many fucking ugly cars, and now trucks must surely wield some sort of magical powers. Sorcery? Discovery of the Philosophaster’s stone to unleash upon society? A deal with the Devil perhaps? Government payloads and the desire to get to Mars while humanity stumbles to get it right in their own backyard. Now there is some power. And just think, now teamed up in corporate whore fascist fashion with Quarter McPussy Pounder and the Big Top Circus! Yessir: Make America Great Again – unleash the complete nuclear salvo on home soil!

Flying Over and Upon The Gulf of Americanization!

What about that bitch King Charles the Turd some must be thinking, surely he must be put up for contention in the running for the most powerful man in the world, no? Well, you may be right, if Disney World is the world to be claimed the most powerful man of a worldly geographical location. Rumour going around that I just started was that  he and Jimmy Saville used to dress up in Mickey Mouse and Goofy costumes and try to lure prepubescent children to their ‘royal” Winnebago in the Disney World parking lot. The bumper sticker on the Winnebago read as such: America The Crown Jewel of England – Where Victoria’s Crown Roams From Coast To Coast to Coast. Most Americans were/are too dumb to get the joke. Too busy Making America Great one must suppose. Romanov the lot!

Who knows, maybe some great unknown to the general populace is the most powerful man in the world? Perhaps someone with the ability to have organizational Narcotic Donkey Unpolished Brass suckle upon his every dripping for so blatantly obvious a reason? So much power it will trap some poor sod in a zero privacy nightmare including what should be the sanctity of his humble abode; a regular Truman Show Freak-Off of which there is no escape except for death, but even then he is not sure, as surely such would haunt any free thinking individual for eternity. Trapped inside what one may call a cycle of ignorance. Poor fucking sod – not even in his own fucking house!!

So, who is the world’s most powerful man? Well, anyone who has reached any basic level of enlightenment surely has come to understand that in the scheme of things, the world’s most powerful man is an inconsequential nobody, regardless of the human record of all recorded history and endless names upon the list, such a name not being not even fit or worthy for the utterance of his name to be whispered in the wind on the dying breath of the last human to ever exist. Nope. And, and all one has to do to come to such a realization is to understand that the universe’s most powerful person has, and will continue to live a life of basic subsistence, free from it all in a basic yet profoundly complex philosophical order of which undoubtedly only God would be able to peer into their rudimentary abode, free of any and all, barring the inner peace it takes to arrive at such an elevated grounding.

Dick Proenneke is/was one of the most powerful people in the universe. And no doubt he used to be able to cook, whittle, exercise, read…..and undoubtedly whack-off without the prying eyes of some creepy pervert watching him do the necessary tasks it takes for one to get by in what is (should be) the holy sanctity of the privacy of one’s own home. Ah, one could only dream. Cowards.