Little Twigs, Little Twigs, Let Me In……….

What an embarrassment! Yeah, you know what I’m talking about. Well, surely some of you do, once that point has been reached, reached out to touch you that is. As for those who don’t know, trust me, you are more than likely going to find out, and when you...

Worn & Weary

This week’s post has been cancelled due to lack of interest on my part. ENDPOLITICIANS.COM has become a burden for many reasons, most of which, that of being monkey-fucked by so much intrusive predation during my creative process that anomalies/glitches have...

Ain’t Nothin’ But a

Doggedness for escapement. A propensity for complexity? Nope. Pretty standard fare, even for a dolt. A perplexity of apoplexy? Yup. Energetically stroked out, an irate distaste to conflate under a thoroughly buried hate. Bawl of wax fantasizing conceptual wane. A...