Aye Eye Aye
My computer is like a petting zoo after closing time – it is constantly being infected by differing viruses emanating from the diseased appendages of intelligence agencies molestation devices of probing analysis. Their shameful act. Let’s just say, oh, the non musical equivalent – Ram A Llama Ding Dong. Though in code, a bunch of zero’s attempting to penetrate the one. Although, transversely, that one sure slits the O in undilated pupil likeness. It is the all seeing evil eye after all. Sauron’s slit – the cowards bit. Unblinded, Dark Lord’s and narcotic hoards per se?

Eye of Sauron
Speaking of shamelessly and proudly spreading viruses. How about those penile inhaling spray painter gay painters? They just love poles! The bigger the shaft, the better in their hands, behinds, and minds. They telegraph it all night long after all. Skulking about the shadows in those wee hours, inseminating their seeds unto each other, and the public’s eyes. They just love a good old tag team, ¡333! after all. Make that one half of sucking upon the devil’s dick (¡666!).
There is one graffiti “artist” (talentless hack) who just loves to spray paint any kind of utility/light pole in different municipalities around Vancouver (literally hundreds, if not into a thousand.) Is such a fondness for enthusiastically marking his territory upon girthy cylindrical objects a psychological reflection of his penchant for pulsating peckers? The eye of Sauron is said poofter’s calling card as well. Call him Fento/Caos/Porsh/Doum, but surely, most seemingly, do not call him late for an all male gangbang! Prison is probably his wet dream come true.
That eye of Sauron graffiti, it shows up in numerous places, the world over. Hollywood included, repeatedly. Assuredly, more than just a coincidence. Hollywood was penetrated ages ago after all. Though recently, it showed up in a strange place indeed. The ether, of that cyberspace. Unheavenly indeed.
Western propaganda is laughable at best. Amateur hour at the outhouse slop trough. Russian propaganda has, at least, an air of sophistication. It does seem to at least acknowledge most of the alphabet and incorporate a more than singular dimensional numeral existence, yet lacks the full compliment of vowels to concisely spell it out. Though it sure annihilates the sole terminal XYZ linear emittance shat out from the backside of Western dribble-ization. Drip, drip, drip.
Imagine that, seeing the eye of Sauron broadcasted upon Russian government property. In topsy-turvy downside-up world anything is possible after all. Just ask the double-headed eagle disgraced with a trifecta of “royal” crowns that was brought out of retirement after the Soviet Union was disbanded. Undoubtedly that Crown is a “royal” perversion and abomination. Just ask Cana-duh, and any other infected geographical location possessing individuals capable of independent thought. In fact, that is one of the tenets of someone being qualifiable as being labeled white trash. Only a geographical location to have ever been infected by the Crown is capable of harbouring white trash, though such is not a guarantee of white trashiness. Perhaps an ENDPOLITICIANS.COM white trash special coming soon?

Throwing It Back To Czar Nicholas II Teutonic Posterity?
The evil eye. Yeah, you want to see it. This one is slanted, in lizard-like fashion. Perhaps a European myopic variance of raping indulgence? It caught my un-evil eyes about a week ago whilst I had some minutes to kill. Question is, did someone sneakingly slip it in unannounced, in the likes of a “royal” blind-drunk barn-raid, unbeknownst to the Kremlin? Or was it a blatant psychological tactic used to subliminally broadcast to those paying attention? Certainly it was no accident, that is guaranteed. Much too clean to not be of contrivance. Start this link at the 7:00 minute mark to catch it.
The July, 11th RT news video footage of the graffiti tags featuring the eye of Sauron seems to have been shot at the European Commission in Brussels, Belgium. Again, the planting of the ‘tagging’ graffiti is certainly too clean and concise for it to have been accidental or coincidence. There were certainly a plethora of alternate camera angles and staging that could have been used to convey a scene more suitable to the story at hand other than including gang activity. A message was definitely being sent here.
Our topsy-turvy downside-up world is a rabbit-hole within a rabbit-hole starvation, contained within a house of carnival mirrors, and encapsulated within the labyrinth bowels of an inconceivable amount of tendril jutting Habitrail tubes mazedly navigated by the puke emitting rot-minds of history the likes of Queen ‘Barn Raid’ Victoria, Adolph ‘House of Windsor’ Hitler, Joseph ‘Nazi Sympathizer’ Kennedy, Cecil ‘Genocide’ Rhodes, Prescott ‘Nazi Bank Teller’ Bush, King Charles ‘Fugly Frau’ the Turd, and that propagandist favourite of Joseph Gerbils, the “royal” Nazi tunnel rat supreme.
Really, when one comes to grasp the perversity of history, and how it is nowhere near to what any textbook has to offer in the falsified manner of cultural indoctrination that has existed for millennia, it is no wonder that the saying of, “truth is stranger than fiction” has so endearingly entered the realm we so dwell in ignorance.
Yeah, the US Federal Reserve and the Bank of England literally funded the Nazi’s to wage war upon Europe, England, and the USA amongst others. Certainly it would be no surprise, and, is very much plausible and more than likely guaranteed that European “royalty,” the aristocracy, and other multinational corporate, and governmental institutions/agencies are funding and profiteering both sides of the conflict from the death and destruction currently playing out in the UKraine shit-show.
There you have it, over nine hundred words and counting, and all because someone tried subliminally slip the eye of Sauron into an RT news broadcast. An eye of Sauron that is clearly entwined to gang activity, and surely the drug trade that brings purposeful death and destruction to communities the world over, ever more so now with fentanyl and its derivatives. And anyone to have reached a certain level of enlightenment must surely know that the “royal” families of history are without question the largest drug peddler’s of history, to have given servants of the Crown – the countless privateers, the blessings and literal contracts to sow drug fuelled chaos the world over, in order to weaken and conquer geographical locations of their interest. Certainly, historically, nothing has changed.
The one thing I will say of my observations about the Russian regime currently in power. They, unlike the collective West, are filled with decent amounts of dignity and integrity, and have certainly spoken more truth in the past two years than the entirety of the collective West have told in the past century. Mass hypnosis, it exists.
The Crown truly is an abomination. Til all its vestiges disappear in entirety – the same but different. Round and round we go in the sphere of the “royal” Globalist circle jerk.