VIRGIN MILF. Hmm, now there is an immediate concept for philosophical ponderance. On second thoughts, could be that miraculous conception? Mmm-Mmm, Mary, Mary, Mary! Although, come to theoretically expound, most certainly due to adoption? Well, born-again in the age of three-legged women, could mean that cock & bull cock & balls may be hanging around for a loyal “royal” throttler indubitably vying for such a thrill seeking throttling à la porte “Royale” préféré!?
Ah, who really knows what such an artiste extraordinaire was getting at when producing such masterful and exemplary workmanship, no doubt fit for the Louvre, had not such substrate been the motor vehicle and pedestrian bridge spanning the Corinth Canal in Greece. Which is why Yours Famous For Incorporating His Finger Into Photographs Truly brings the world the photographic capturing for eternity, and surely deserving of a Pulitzer Prize in uncovering such philosophical mastery of 21st century sophistication and enthralment. Bravo to me – and you are welcome!! The backside of my right shoulder is now tender from such self-accolade.
And all by accident too. But as is known, one must be good in order to get lucky. Just ask all those photos with my finger gracing the capture. Yes, Yours Punctuation Butcher Truly took a trip to Greece, right around five years ago to the week or so of today, and while on the way to visit the ancient ruins at Mycenae, the tour bus stopped briefly to visit the Corinth Canal, and I figured a nice picture of the Mediterranean Blue contrasting the white Corinthian strata would be in order. So, Yours Pulitzer Deserving Truly stuck his camera over the side of the bridge and took a few photographs, not realizing that such a VIRGIN MILF conundrum would be deified in such brain-wracking preponderance. Hey, you gotta be good to get lucky!

#ME-TOO Without Accompanying Finger In Photo
The Corinth Canal – a narrow waterway carved, in order to join the Gulf of Corinth to the Saronic Gulf to expedite sailing voyages, from the geological foundation of that shit that we humans and other mammalian freaks walk upon to traverse this shit-hole planet disgracing a scientifically disturbing universe possibly referred to as ‘My Simulation.’ Depending upon the day of course. Okay fine, hour. Or perhaps the second? Altering dislocation as to whether deciphered while in either a full-on or half dream state, not counting Longitudinal Servomechanism Delineations of course. Pity the spinal-cord on that one.
If what Yours Approaching Skewbald Truly remembers correctly as the tour guide’s explanation of how the Corinth Canal came to be, it is due to, what would call in a time-warp, to be something along the lines of Adolph Hitler’s wet dream. For you see, the Corinth Canal was begun in the middle of the first century AD, under the reign of Roman Emperor Nero who needed a pet project for all of the Jewish “riffraff” of whom the Roman’s had put into slavery servitude for being so abjectly insistent upon carrying out revolts in their home geographical location under the attempt to, how shall we say, “stick it to the man” in a way other than the typical way that Nero and the Romans desired to have it be stuck to. Those damn Romans! And Greeks too! As the old saying goes, “the Greeks invented sex, but the Romans were kind enough to add women to the equation.” Oh right, the Corinth Canal – the project was abandoned in early antiquity and was not completed sometime until the late nineteenth century (?), if what aforementioned tour guide said rings true in memory. Well, you lazy fucks now have a homework assignment, because I am certainly not wasting my time to fact check what I just blathered. Trust me, ENDPOLITICIANS.COM is but a mere synaptic connection away from disgracing the history of server memory-banks, becoming again what it seems likely it should have stayed in the first place: My own fucking thoughts for my own fucking self. If only….
Yup, December 2019, Yours Deviated Septum Truly’s trip to Greece. For two weeks or so prior, I had what would turn out to be COVID-19, and still had it when I arrived. The Greeks had it too, go figure. I could feel it prowling around me on public transportation, as could other transit dwellers. Life just went on, until the Globalist government terror melted the minds of the multitudes of the masses all those months later in 2020. C’mon you remember. That is why society consolidated and is getting ready to revamp itself in the ignorant manner that societies always do. It’s a thing! Do your goddamn homework you lazy fucks. Full circle, way too many jerks. Not enough enlightenment. Never enough enlightenment – the human condition.
Greece, one can find things to do. Yours Dentine Renovated Truly had multiple dental procedures done, and what was saved in what I would have paid in Cana-duh for the same procedures, was able to pay for the entirety of my vacation. Being December and January there were not too many of those hideous tourists around. Thank goodness for that. Fucking humans! They are a thing. Also, being December and January, it was not what one would exactly call warm, but the unlikelihood of not running into other Canadians surely made up for hoodie weather. Besides, I had COVID to keep me company. Some company that COVID-19. Had me seeing 20/20 with clarity, until Globalist government went all 666 medieval like that is. C’mon you remember. You may have been a patsy, set up for the societal assassination.
One thing that surprised me was that Greeks seemed to eat more French fries that Americans, but they were nowhere near as fat on average. Not even close. One day after my visit to the Athenian Acropolis (there are many acropolis spanning the country) an elder gentleman approached me and wanted me to come visit his coffee shop. He ended up taking me to a bar that seconded as a whorehouse (or was it a whorehouse that seconded as a bar), so I had a beer and talked with the fine occupants of said establishment for fifteen minutes or so – I even won a bet with the bartender on some trivial fact that I ended up proving true with one of the ladies of the day “smart” phones. Although I do not know if the ladies were mother’s, it is quite safe, I think, to state that they were nowhere near being virgins. Needless to say, the bartender welched on our bet, and with two beautiful ladies of the day and the muscle guarding the door as my witnesses. I’m telling you, those Greek bartenders in whorehouses are unreliable in covering 100 Euro wagers. Go figure. As I left, the elderly gentleman inquired about whether I “had relations?” Surely he was disappointed when I answered, “only a beer,” as likely it seems logical that he gets a cut for services rendered. If only he had been there to witness my wagering the bartender. I would have split it 50/50.
One night while out in Athens, Yours Spinal Cord Sufferer Truly seen some Athenian police out patrolling on their motorcycles. Motorcycles with police officers doing wheelies down one of the thoroughfares on a busy street. That was interesting I thought. Certainly worth respecting too. I would like to see the VPD try that one on their Harley’s and see if it goes over well – execution wise and in public acceptance. Though I was not quite as impressed as on my trip to Cambodia, now many years ago, when Yours Hairy Palms Truly got drunk with an on-duty sergeant in the Phnom Penh police force and his former Khmer Rouge comrades. Cambodia had Anchor brand beer in cans, and Angkor brand beer in cans. When it was their turn to buy they came back from the bodega with Anchor, but I always seemed to get the Angkor when it was my round. I was always asked the lady for Anchor. Must have been a tourist thing.
Anything else? My own fucking thoughts for my own fucking self. Well, Athens did seem to have an overabundance of heavy-metal bars. I do not know what it is, but Yours Occasional Thrash Enjoyer Truly finds heavy-metal bars inquisitive in visiting, even though he would honestly assert that most heavy metal music is rotten scrambled eggs of lobotomy concoction not fit for consumption. The blues are where it is at now. Although, most of that blues crap is the same old blues crap not fit for consumption. Surely it is all about finding the right vehicle to get one where one need to be get got. Perhaps a T-Model Ford?