
The purpose and intent of this site is to supply objective observations, ideas, and thoughts with the goal of changing the world for the better. This site does not condone violence of any kind. I have done my due diligence to make sure guest contributions are free of plagiarism, but the onus is on the INDIVIDUAL to be truthful and honest. This is not a site for those who see themselves as victims and think that taking things from others is a solution to inequality. It is for the INDIVIDUAL who understands that hard work, self education, honesty, enlightenment, and vigilance are the key to freedom and a just society.

Featured Articles

Is a Mako Onto Shat

Brain Pain If one did not have one, one would not be reading this zero, of one. One, who one day, decided he was going to take letters from the alphabet, type them into words, subsequent sentences,...

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Cosmic Revelations

Hold onto your hats, one does not want to lose them, well, actually, not hats, but caps, to be specific, Phrygian caps that is, in antiquity, though, Liberty caps, in modern history, right up to...

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Burst Their Bubble Heads

In my provincial geographical location, the government has come up with 20 meter bubble zones around schools and hospitals to prevent covid protestors from congregating and causing a nuisance. But...

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