
Look at us we are so great Your lives mean nothing They know not what they have done CR

234 Versus 22,050

Covid 19 is a real virus, there is no doubt about that, and yes there is no denying that it is responsible for taking some time off the end of some peoples lives, most of who were living in extreme frailty and a great many had one foot out the door anyways. However,...

Necessity, Chance or Rapaciousness?

Anything that lives will eventually die, or cease to exist, other than as a memory, unless of course memory itself ceases to exist. Be it a plant, mammal, reptile, virus, bacteria, fungi or whatever life form(I will leave inanimate, unearthly, interstellar objects for...

EndPoliticians.com First Post

This is a poem I wrote back in mid March of 2020 after understanding what the government and media were going to unleash upon the population with their incessant fear and misinformation campaign.   Corona Poem   Hour after hour day after day, mainstream and...