by EndPoliticians | Oct 24, 2024 | Blog, Graft, Hidden In Plain Sight, MONEY, Philosophy, Politics, Propaganda, Pulpify, Scum of the Earth, Slop Trough, The Human Condition, Throne Trolls, Truth Be Told, Writing
What an embarrassment! Yeah, you know what I’m talking about. Well, surely some of you do, once that point has been reached, reached out to touch you that is. As for those who don’t know, trust me, you are more than likely going to find out, and when you...
by EndPoliticians | Oct 17, 2024 | Blog, Graft, Politics, Pulpify, Scum of the Earth, Slop Trough, Throne Trolls, Writing
I suppose right now must be the right time to let my readership know that one of my turn-ons is watching uncoordinated Japanese women run. Trust me, it’s a thing, I saw it once, in real life, and then on the internet once thereafter, of which only confirmed my...
by EndPoliticians | Oct 10, 2024 | Blog, Graft, Politics, Pulpify, Skulking In the Shadows, Slop Trough, Writing
Like a bull in a china shop, as the old saying goes. For those old folks like myself who have heard the term anyways, it conjures images of immense, chaotic destruction of precious sensibilities along with a disregard for any notion of geographical location spatial...
by EndPoliticians | Oct 3, 2024 | Blog, Life, Poems, Writing, WTF?
“OH HENRY!” she cried in pleasant consumptive delight, Nougat, nuts, and chocolate, surely only the mandible could put up a fight? From an infernal machine it must have been shat, Only those devil possessed could willfully ingest a KitKat! Mixing board...
by EndPoliticians | Sep 25, 2024 | Blog, Life, Truth Be Told, Writing
This week’s post has been cancelled due to lack of interest on my part. ENDPOLITICIANS.COM has become a burden for many reasons, most of which, that of being monkey-fucked by so much intrusive predation during my creative process that anomalies/glitches have...
by EndPoliticians | Sep 19, 2024 | Blog, Life, Pulpify, Skulking In the Shadows, Truth Be Told, Writing
It Cannot be Unsaid, Nor Should it How does the old saying go?: If you loathe something, let it fly, and if it comes back to bite you, so fucking be it. Sounds about right to me, though tweak it a bit this way or that way for your liking. Or chances are, greatly to...