Iran to Syria But Lost the Race

Firstly it should be noted that there is no such thing as a “moderate rebel,” moderate rebel is government propaganda and euphemism for the true term of terrorist, or someone paid by an entity(mainly governments) to cause death and destruction in order to...

Warning to the West-Swim Don’t Sink

The official visit started on February 21, 1972, though the planning had to be a multitude of months, but probably years in the making. The realization that the US was losing the Vietnam war no doubt expedited the trip for Nixon and his National Security Advisor whose...


In linguistics the word portmanteau is the combining of the form and meaning of 2 words. Examples include: Cyborg – cybernetic + organism. A member of the animal kingdom interfaced with computer technology. Texarkana – Texas + Arkansas. The twin cities...

Political Purgatory

With the second anniversary of my mom’s death having recently passed, I could not but help but think of the millions of people, elderly and otherwise who were doomed and castigated by politicians to spend the last moments of their time on this planet in...

Treason is the Reason

What if the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, President, Vice President, or Chancellor of your country went on the local evening news and told you that the main platform of their political party’s policy now that they are in power is to eliminate all of...

We’re Number 127?

What is high and mighty and always deemed by most to be better than those of others? Peoples respective countries of course! Indeed a conundrum of which the causality most definitely needs delving into. What could be some causes and effects, positive and negative, on...