by EndPoliticians | Dec 8, 2022 | Blog, Covid-19, Politics, Scum of the Earth, The Human Condition, Writing
Lyer Lyer Mouth On Eire Top o’ the morning to ya! It is looking like the time has come for the Irish Spring! Like jolly old England’s centuries long subjugation of the Eire, there might be enough medium here to make some Celtic cross, depending upon the...
by EndPoliticians | Nov 24, 2022 | Blog, Philosophy, Propaganda, The Human Condition, Writing
The Pincer Movement Sling Shots Without Marbles Obtrusively inferring, cosmically, in the bigger picture universal painting, tomato soup free no doubt, as any supposed enlightener would have used Alphagetti so as to be able to spell it out in an intelligently...
by EndPoliticians | Nov 17, 2022 | Blog, MONEY, The Human Condition, Writing
A Pipeline of Destruction That Debt Charge Can Be Guilty as charged, through sixteen sequentially strategic digits, where the only room for error is one’s judgement. Of course it takes separate digits to input the baker’s dozen plus three. I arrived to the...
by EndPoliticians | Nov 10, 2022 | Blog, Scum of the Earth, The Human Condition, Writing
Letter to a Nobody Dear Diary, Righto, old chap. What a big boy I was yesterday. Mummy dearest would have been chuffed to bits, as would Papa! I do so hope that they keep Hitler, Caligula, Dr. Mengele, Mussolini, Pol Pot, Stalin, George Bush Sr, and the like in good...
by EndPoliticians | Oct 13, 2022 | Audio, Politics, The Human Condition, Writing
Boom Goes the Din-O’-Might Things sure are heating up, though not in that climate fanaticism negligibly objectionable one sided linearly skewed line passing as white noise in the attempt to drone out the dynamic interconnected complexity of a multifaceted...
by EndPoliticians | Sep 15, 2022 | Blog, Philosophy, Politics, Propaganda, The Human Condition, Writing
If you build it they will come. When they billed it anyone with any decency came to realize shoddy construction due to lack of professional oversight always reaps what has been sown into a disguised gaping chasm. Rotted bumper crop. A lack of vigilance will eventually...