Some Children’s People

Children. It used to be the only way that a child could come into this hectic world was the time honoured tradition of sexual intercourse between  a man and a woman. Then, artificial insemination came into play, irrespective of foreplay. All business, no pleasure, one...

Poutine for Putin?

If you hear the name Vladimir Putin and words of negative connotation automatically and always enter your mind, then congratulations you have just proven that you are indeed an unwitting victim of the intelligence agency mainstream media propaganda wing! Not me you...

The Social Con – Tract of Lies

The social contract. A great many in society might not even be aware of the notion that such a thing exists, let alone what it is, and is supposed to consists of. That is the bungling nature of government for you, they can not even fully explain and articulate the...

Votey McVoteface

Every so often could you watch an informative, objective video or in lieu read an article of the same nature consisting of unbiased construct where there is more than a one dimensional, superficial, propaganda laden explanation, put forth on various subject matter,...